Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rainy Days and Sunshine

It is raining today......but the sun still shines.

"This morning I woke up to another glorious day, the clouds are low and the ground wet, for some it is a dreary day, but it is still shining because of your glory. It is refreshing to know and to be reminded of your covenant to us, to be reminded of your grace, your power. Thank you Lord for the rain, for the nourishment it provides. In some parts of our country some are suffering with cold, and Ice, we pray for them, that you will watch over them and comfort them, that your love will warm them. For those whose journey on this earth will end because of the weather, let them find solace in you. Let their families know your grace through these difficult times. Let them be comforted by family and friends and to come to awareness of you.

Be with us today, and to know you and to be able to make you known as we engage with others, and as we encounter others whose day may be filled with fear and anxiety. Let the rain remind them of your grace. For those who are sitting beside hospital beds, or hospice beds find your grace and love in the pain of suffering. Ease their fear and anxiety, surround them with your Spirit and to because keenly aware of you and the power of your spirit.

In the glorious name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen."

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